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The Llewellyn Tarot

The Llewellyn Tarot


A Time Before Camelot - Bringing the Welsh Myths to Life


"The medieval world of the Welsh if very real, tactile, even rustic, with an Otherworld that overlaps and infringes on reality's borders. Poetic, but rarely sentimental, the mortals anticipate and brace themselves for testing encounters, with the shadow of the Otherworld. To live within the reach of the supernatural is seen as natural, and sometimes a blessing, and sometimes a hazard. This mystic realism is, I feel, one of early Celtic literature's most appealing qualities. It is not fantasy, but organic reality, seen on occasion through an imaginative lens-in the same manner and beauty as the artistic tradition of the tarot." - Anna-Marie Ferguson Creator of The Llewellyn Tarot

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